The terms and conditions set forth herein defines the completes rights and liabilities of the party availing the services as well as the party providing the services through the website having its link as www.agent.ticketsimply.com including all sub-sites and page.

The website, having its Uniform Resource Locator (URL) www.agent.ticketsimply.com, is a website for providing services of Business to Business (B2B) Travel Agency Booking Platform by the service provider. The website and all the associated sub-sites and pages are owned, published, managed and updated by the service provider by Bitla Software Pvt Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Bitla”) which is a company registered under the Companies Act 2013, having its registered office at H-No.18, MP Krishna Mansion, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095, India.

Bitla through its website has limited the access to its services to a selective group of individuals (hereinafter referred to as “Agents”) who shall be the only duly authorized users of the website and shall be guided by the terms and conditions set hereunder along with any other terms and conditions that can be imposed by Bitla subsequently. Agents shall generally include Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Consolidators, aggregators etc. for bulk/group booking on authorization by Bitla company.

This website is NOT for consumers and has its usage permission limited to qualified group of individuals as described above only. In the event of any services being availed by any consumer through the Site, Bitla reserves the right to cancel such booking immediately without any notice to such consumer and block/deactivate such account through which the alleged service is used.


  1. All the content, data, information, graphics, trademarks, logos, design, technical knowhow, source code but not limited to everything produced, published, circulated, shared on the website by the company shall be an exclusive property of Bitla unless expressly denied.

  2. Any violation of Intellectual Property Rights held by Bitla by any person shall permit the former in taking any legal or non-legal action. Though, copying of part or all the content of this Website without permission of Bitla is prohibited except to the extent that such copying/printing is necessary for the purposes of availing of the services.

  3. No ownership or any form of exclusive rights shall be conferred upon the Agent or any other person by accessing, using, viewing etc., the website unless expressly provided by Bitla.

  4. The Agent is allowed to take copies of the documents/ files of the services which are availed by him/her.


  1. Agent shall be the only authorized person to avail the service provided through this website and he/she shall be held liable for violation of any terms and conditions.

  2. In order to become an Agent, one may be required to furnish requested personal and business details as and when sought by Bitla. He/she may also be required to answer few question and also submit some official/governmental documents as per the request of Bitla. Moreover, he/she has to warrant the originality and correctness of the documents and the information so furnished, failing which he/she shall be liable to indemnify Bitla of any loss or harm accruing from such concealments and/or falsehoods.

  3. Agent shall also be required to open a prepaid or postpaid imprest account with Bitla to access this website and make payments as and when the services are availed.

  4. Agent shall not distribute, exchange, modify, sell or transmit anything he copies from this website, including but not limited to any text, audio and video, for any unauthorized purpose including personal purpose.

  5. If the Agent has opted for a prepaid account he must deposit a sum of money, that has mutually agreed between the Agent and Bitla as imprest amount which shall be used for the purpose of availing the services. The Agent shall be provided with the real time tracking of his account for accounting or any other purpose which shall reflect the deductions and the balance in the account. While in case of the postpaid account the agent has to clear the dues as per the terms and conditions agreed between the Agent and Bitla, duly reduced to writing.

  6. Till the time the term and conditions of usage are abided by the Agent, the company shall grant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access, view, avail the services and use the website in any manner whatsoever.


  1. Any exchange of any Data, Information, Communication, E Mail, Questions, Suggestions, Comments etc., between Bitla and the Agent shall generally be treated as non-confidential.

  2. By consenting to become an Agent, he/she shall give up all claims that any use of such material violates any of his/her rights including moral rights, privacy rights, proprietary or other property rights, publicity rights, rights to credit for material or ideas, or any other right, including the right to approve the way Bitla uses such material.

  3. Any material submitted to this Website may be adapted, broadcast, changed, copied, disclosed, licensed, performed, posted, published, sold, transmitted or used by the Company anywhere in the world, in any medium, forever.


  1. There is always a possibility of technical inaccuracy or typographical error in the Website. Though Bitla shall make necessary changes to fix the same at the earliest possible.

  2. The functioning of this Website is dependent on a lot of variable factors including, but not limited to hosting, network strength, servers, programming etc., hence Bitla does not warrant the functions exhibited in the Website shall be uninterrupted, error free, flawless, virus free or any other defect which may accrue in the usual functioning of the Website.

  3. The contents presented on this Website are provided on an "As Is" basis, without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Bitla disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

  4. Bitla does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use of or the result of the use of the material on the Website in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise, insofar as such material is derived from other service providers such as bus operators, owners and tour operators.

  5. The Agent acknowledges that his/her uninterrupted usages of the services offered by this Website may be prevented by certain factors outside our reasonable control including, without limitation, the unavailability, inoperability or interruption of the Internet or other telecommunications services or as a result of any maintenance or other service work carried out on this Website. Bitla shall under no circumstances must be held liable for damages/ loss accruing due to the unavailability of the services offered by the Website arising out of or in connection with any of the reasons cited above.

  6. The Agent acknowledges that through this Website, Bitla merely provides intermediary services in order to facilitate booking of tickets and services to him/her. it is not the last-mile service provider to Agent and therefore, Bitla shall not be or deemed to be responsible for any lack or deficiency of services provided by any person (bus operator, travel/tour operator, facility or similar agency) who/ which the Agent shall engage or hire or appoint pursuant to or resulting from, the material available in this Site.

  7. Bitla under no circumstances shall be liable to indemnify or compensate the Agent or any other person whether or not authorized to use the services offered by the Website towards any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever and howsoever caused from out of usage of this Website.

  8. If for any reason, the law does not permit exclusions of liability then, the liability of Bitla shall be limited to such amount paid by the user and retained by Bitla for the transaction in question.


  1. Bitla retains all the liberty to add modify or remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time as it may deem fit, without notice. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use or any terms posted on this Site apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use this Website after any changes are posted, the Agents indicate their acceptance of those changes.

  2. Bitla may add, change, discontinue, remove or suspend any other Content posted on this Site, including features and specifications of products described or depicted on the Site, temporarily or permanently, at any time, without notice and without liability.

  3. Bitla reserves the right to undertake all necessary steps to ensure that the security, safety and integrity of the Company's systems as well as users interests remain, well-protected. Towards this end, Bitla may take various steps to verify and confirm the authenticity, enforceability and validity of orders placed by Agent.

  4. If Bitla, in its sole and exclusive discretion, concludes that the said orders are not or do not reasonably appear to be, authentic, enforceable or valid, then Bitla may cancel the said orders at any time before the scheduled time of departure of the relevant bus or date of visit to any property booked through the Company.

  5. The Agents may book certain destinations which involve greater risks than others, entirely at their own risk as to cost and consequences.

  6. By offering bookings for sale travel to particular destinations, Bitla does not represent or warrant that travel to such a point is advisable or without risk. The Company does not accept liability for damages, losses, or delays that may result from improper documents for entry, exit, length of stay, or from travel to such destinations.

  7. Bitla reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit or discontinue the Site or any material posted herein, in any respect. The Company shall have no obligation to take the needs of any user into consideration in connection therewith.

  8. Bitla reserves its right to deny in its sole discretion any user access to this Site or any portion hereof without notice.

  9. No waiver by the Company of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be binding except as set forth in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.


Every dispute which may at any time arise between the parties hereto or any person claiming under them, touching or arising out of or in respect of this agreement or the subject matter thereof shall be referred to an independent Arbitrator.

In case the parties are unable to finalise on one common Arbitrator to preside over the case, two Arbitrators can be appointed wherein both the parties shall be nominating one Arbitrator each. In case of a difference of opinions between the two Arbitrators, they may appoint one Umpire to adjudicate over the matter.

The Arbitration shall be conducted within Bengaluru, Karnataka on time and venue as decided by the parties.

STG is The All-in-One Fastest Growing Travel B2BNetwork - bringing all the Bus Operators and all B2BNetwork channels under in one platform, to help each other build great business for each other and makes a happy earning/saving and happy living.

Bitla Software is the Global Technology Leader for the Online Bus Ticketing Ecosystem and we have transformed and revolutionized the Online Booking Ecosystem with our world-class technologies. We manage the largest Direct Bus Inventory and the Bus Operators in India. Founded in 2007, we are bootstrapped and profitable privetly held company.

Bitla Software Pvt Ltd
No.18, 3rd floor, MP Krishna Mansion,
1st A Cross Road, 5th Block,
Koramangala, Bengaluru,


agency@ticketsimply.com - For Queries
ts_support@ticketsimply.com - For New SignUp
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